What Videos the Audience Likes and Get a Million Views on YouTube
Every video blogger wonders which videos get a lot of views. If you start from the various TOPs, you can draw some conclusions.
There is no problem at all with starting up in absolutely any social network. Even if it seems that the niches are already filled – alas. The number of users grows, many blogs get bored, subscribers unsubscribe and look for a new subject to subscribe to.
It is important at the initial stage to understand where the audience is for your content and immediately connect the competent promotion. That is, you choose a social network after analyzing your audience and go to conquer it, rather than adjusting to the “well, this seems to be going better”.
The first thing you need is quality content. It can both attract a new audience and retain the old one. Content should be regular and interesting. Put lightness in his words and, of course, humor.

Next, actively communicate with your friends – ask them to subscribe and repost your posts on any social network. So you get to show your friends friends – someone will be interested in your blog and the first subscribers will appear. If not, you can get live subscribers, views or likes on YouTube via Lowcostsmm.com. The speed of this service and the quality of the service you will be pleasantly surprised.
The list of friends tends to end, so you should connect motivated traffic further (or you can do it in parallel). Here I advise service IPweb, I use them myself and I got it easy with it to promote a couple of Instagram accounts, a channel in Telegram and 5 groups in Vkontakte.
How it works and what is the motivated traffic – the service has only live users in any social network, who are motivated to do any action required by the customer. These people can subscribe to your blog on their own, or they can repost and increase the reach of your publication’s impressions. Just choose a topic for reposting that will really pop in and “work”.
You can connect targeting advertising – it’s simple too. You set up your budget and impressions, set your target audience and start advertising.
As soon as you have at least a couple of hundred subscribers – start the drawing with the same reposts. Russian people love freebies, and for freebies, a lot of people are willing to subscribe to anything. And then it’s up to you to keep people.
What topics on YouTube get a lot of views quickly

In order to make money on the Internet, many users launch channels on YouTube. The idea is good, but without quality videos and competent promotion, you will never be able to earn a lot of money. Content plays a key role, publishing everything in a row, you risk that your videos will get lost in millions of similar videos.
What videos get the most views on YouTube? According to statistics, the first places in the number of views are popular music videos.
No entertainment video has ever received as many views as a celebrity video. Although there are plenty of examples when they managed to win the hearts of millions by accident.
In addition to entertainment and music videos, you can achieve popularity with other content.
After collecting some statistics on the Internet, we were able to figure out a few areas that help to collect a lot of views:

- News – as soon as any event hits the whole country or even the whole world, videos related to it begin to become popular. You don’t have to go far for examples, go to the list of popular videos and you’ll find a lot of them there.
- Celebrities – anything related to famous people attracts attention. Some video bloggers deliberately take advantage of other people’s fame, adding clips, revealing secrets, digging up dirty laundry, or collecting dirt.
- Children are, and will continue to be the most interesting characters in videos. Think back to how many videos you’ve seen with kids, the same joke about the cook or the girl with the surprised face about whom millions of memes have been created.
- Show – many video bloggers launch their own show. Topics range from reviews of other people’s videos to evaluating home deliveries. Come up with something interesting or make a show for your city.
- Social projects – people like them too, because they have a twist called justice. Now they are being launched more and more often, they supposedly have deep meaning and open people’s eyes to obvious problems.
In order to add a video that will have all chances to take the top places in the number of views, you need not just come up with fresh ideas, but also analyze what other authors managed to achieve fame at the expense of.
Bloggers on YouTube have very different incomes because they put in different efforts. Some don’t try to learn how to record quality videos at all, they don’t rely on statistics and don’t study the success of other writers.
What conclusions can be drawn?

- Yes, the views in the first hours after publication are probably very important. But a novice channel has nowhere to get them. It actually turns out that the video can shoot several months later. So don’t worry too much about it.
- Movies that are high on some momentary theme can really get a lot of hits in the beginning. But then they are of no use.
- Commercials that are not tied to the season and HYIP, and may in principle be relevant for a long time (let’s call them “evergreen“), may actually catch the algorithm and score well for a long time.
- Audience retention is a really crucial factor. If the video is interesting to the audience, it really has all the chances to shoot someday. If retention is low, it has little chance.
- If your video suddenly began to gain a lot of views, do not immediately rejoice, perhaps it’s a temporary phenomenon, see point above.