Composting defined as a technique used to accelerate the natural decay process. By this way, all organic waste can be converted into fertilizing and condition soil. It also helps in reducing food waste and contributions to greenhouse gas emissions.
What Is Composting
Composting ha sits own timelines like Leaf waste decomposes naturally in about two years, however, it can also take a year or as little as 14 days that totally depend on human control.
What are the Compostable Materials?
Compostable Materials includes leaves, grass clippings, plant stalks, vines, weeds, twigs and branches.All organic waste that includes fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells and nutshells.It can also include materials such as hair clippings, feathers, straw, livestock manure, bonemeal and bloodmeal. The most important point is that materials that can promote disease should not be composted because it can attract pests, or create other nuisances. These materials includes meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, foods containing animal fats, human/pet feces, weeds with developed seed heads and roses and peonies.

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Some materials should be used in limited amount such as wood ashes which is a source of lime, sawdust which requires extra nitrogen and those plants which are treated with herbicides or pesticides because chemicals need time for thorough decomposition.
What are Composting Requirements?
- Shredded Organic Waste
Always try to collect shredded leaves in the mower bag. Shredding, chopping or even bruising organic can lead to hastens decay. Approximately, it will take 34 cubic feet of shredded material to form a compost pile.
- Good Location
The compost pile should be located in a warm area and should be protected from overexposure to wind and intense direct sunlight. The heat and air can facilitate composting,howvever, overexposure dries the materials.
- Nitrogen
Nitrogen is one of the important materials that accelerate composting. The good sources of Nitrogen include fresh grass clippings, manure, bloodmeal and nitrogenous fertilizer.

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- Air
Of course, Air is one of the important things and teh compost material should be well ventilated. Some amount of decay occurs without oxygen, however, the process is slow and causes odours.
- Water
Compost material should be kept as moist as a squeezed sponge. Water should be present in adequate amount.
How can composting impact the environment?
Whenever the food trash and other trash that emits methane when embedded in the land contributes to climate change. Composting is one of the ways to minimize these methane emissions because compost is used as a fertilizer, it reduces the need for chemical options, which can be harsh on the earth. According to the study done at the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Compost is capable of eliminating 99.9% of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, from the air which is good for the climate.

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There are other studies which show compost is helpful in carbon sequestration. When the compost is applied o soil it can probably function as a “carbon sink,” trapping and containing the element in the dirt. Also, it is good that Carbon should remain in the ground else it can wreak havoc on the planet.
How to start composting at home?
First thing we need to keep in mind while starting composting at home is to designate a spot outside for your compost heap. There are saome people who want to keep teh stuff in teh garden but mostly prefer to keep it in a tub. A tub iseas fr the begginners and if you are opting a heap in the garden, try to keep it in a fence to keep critters out.
The most important point is that you need to mix the nitrogen-rich “green” material and carbon-heavy “brown” material in the heap to accelerate composting. Green materials tend to be wet and includes fruit, team leaves and vegetable scraps. Brown materials in the heap are drier that includes span sawdust, newspaper clippings, and trimmings from dead plants. Now, add some water into it to keep it moist and keep an eye to remove worrisome pests or disease. Now, you just need to sit back and let nature do it part. It will take a whole month to make compost, however, you will see changes right after a few weeks.

What are the benefits of composting?
Composting is very good for the environment because ut minimizes methane gas in the environment coming out from waste that is embedded in teh form of landfills. Also, Compost boosts water retention in soil that means plants buried in a composted soil needs less irrigation. Composting is also helpful increasing bigger crop yields which obviously gives food producers a better harvest.

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- Composting is really helpful for those who like to grow vegetable and flower gardens and for those too who just like to have healthy nice looking yards.
- Compost can be used to accelerate growth to any and all plants by using a different type of application.
- Composting decreases your cost in disposing your waste at home and yard waste and creating some high value which is very useful and beneficial in return.
- Compost will give you healthy nutrient-packed source of material to enhance soil for feeding your yard & garden plants without using fertilizers.
- Composting is a low-cost method of creating “dead dirt” on your property that won’t grow anything into useful productive soil in a short amount of time.
- Compositing protects air and water quality by preventing the release of ammonia in the biofilters that would otherwise convert into NOX, causing acid rain.
Above things define clearly what is composting and how can composting impact the enviroment.