When you have a health problem, visiting a medical doctor is the first thing most people will do. This is often the solution to the problem, but also the medical doctor does not have a magic wand with which to solve everything that bothers you. That’s why people often look for alternative options or even opt for alternative options right away. The reason for such a decision is that medical doctors always see the solution to the problem in medication or surgery, while there are certainly very successful alternative treatments that do not damage other parts of our body.
That is why homeopathy, Ayurveda, and, above all, naturopathy are becoming increasingly popular. The whole process of naturopathy will be completely different from what you normally experience with a medical doctor. From the first examination to the cure, nothing is the same. First of all, because naturopathy is based on prevention even more than on treatment. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. That is why we believe that you have also decided to positively affect your health in this way. If you are wondering what are the things you need to know before your first visit to a naturopath, look no further. All the answers are waiting for you in this article.
What is a naturopath?

Naturopath focuses on treating or preventing disease through diet changes, stress reduction, and all the remedies that nature can offer us. Only in this way can a balance be achieved in the body and all diseases that would otherwise be caused by genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle be prevented. This method of treatment has been known since before the Common Era, and was registered in the late 19th century. In addition to diet, exercise, and natural remedies, they often prescribe acupuncture and similar techniques that have a positive effect on the body and mind. All of this should bring us to the ultimate goal of being in harmony with ourselves and nature. Although most states do not recognize them as health professionals, there are various licenses that guarantee their expertise. Also, while naturopathy has similarities to homeopathy, the two disciplines should not be confused.
Things to know before your first visit
1. Expect a physical examination

Many do not expect to be physically examined when they go to their first appointment with a naturopath as they do when they go to a medical doctor. But that’s the only way he can start determining what you need. He will first check general things, such as height, weight, blood pressure measurement, and everything else that ever MD normally checks on you from high school. But he will also examine other parts of the body, such as the heart and abdomen. If you complain that there is a part of your body that is causing you problems, then he will examine that specific part as well. This may include ophthalmic, orthopedic, or any other examination. So be prepared both physically and mentally for a physical examination.
2. Don’t be shy

Be prepared to talk about everything that concerns you, without a sense of shame. Our bodily functions are a completely physiological thing and there is no reason to be shy, on the contrary. Only if you provide all the necessary information he will be able to help you. He will ask you everything he thinks is important, but it is up to you to say everything you think is important and you notice about your body. For example, if you have irregular menstrual cycles or irregular bowel movements, you have to say that. As naturopaths from the TonicNaturalHealth clinic told us, fertility and gut problems are among the most common they face, so don’t leave out any information. Since stress is also an important factor, he will ask you questions about your personal life, just like a psychologist or psychiatrist. It is crucial that you be honest and detailed. Only then will he be able to have a clear picture of your health and life and approach treatment in the right way. After all, it’s all done for the sake of your well-being, so be honest.
3. You should do lab tests in advance

Our advice is to do a common blood test and urinalysis before the first appointment with a naturopath. Take the results with you, because he will definitely ask you to do all these analyzes, so you will save time because you will already have everything with you at the first meeting. Lab tests will tell him if you have problems with blood sugar or cholesterol. He will also have an insight into the state of your immune system and he will learn a lot more from these results. Also give him permission to access your other medical information, as the naturopath does not have access to public systems. But he needs to check your complete medical record.
4. Make a list of everything you take

When we say that, we mean primarily drugs and supplements. Make a list of everything you take, as well as from which manufacturer you buy. This includes literally everything from painkillers to whey protein supplements. It would not be bad to take drugs with you, so that he could read about everyone, and you can only write down the supplements. Also, don’t forget to tell him how each of these medications and supplements affect you.
5. Set aside a few hours for your first appointment

When you visit a medical doctor, you are accustomed to the fact that usually everything is over very quickly and that you can often return to your daily activities in less than 20 minutes. But this will not be the case when you visit a naturopath for the first time, because the first meeting always lasts at least an hour, and sometimes several hours. Like we said, he’ll do different exams to you, and then he’ll want to hear all about your life. That is why it will take him a few hours to gather enough information to make you an ideal diet plan and everything else. So on the day you make your first appointment, don’t plan anything else.
After going to a naturopath for the first time, it is important that you know one thing. And that is that patience is necessary. This is not the type of treatment that will give results in a week. It’s a complete lifestyle change and it will probably take months until you see the effects. It is important to be patient and remember that these problems did not arise overnight, so they cannot be solved in a day.