Today, for any activity we do, we can very easily find inspiration or a guide on how to do it on the internet. If many years ago people, when asked how to do something, had newspapers, magazines, books, TV or radio available as a source of information, nowadays everything we need is just a few clicks away.
Here’s a simple example of fashion, girls before the advent of the internet, they bought fashion magazines where they could follow the latest clothing trends that were in at the time. While today they have a unique opportunity to follow the latest fashion events on the Internet, through social networks, various blogs, and even to follow the catwalks live through the search engine.
But for a moment, let’s put fashion aside, and today we will focus a little more on another topic that is also very popular with today’s generation, and that is interior design. How do today’s young people get their inspiration for their home decor, whether they hire a professional designer to equip their living space or through examples, pictures, and videos as well as tips on how to do it, which are easily accessible on the internet space.
The secret of well-designed home interiors, in most examples, is hidden by the influencers who deal with this work. This may sound a little strange to you, but how is it possible for someone who has no knowledge of this field to become an influencer by telling other people how to do it? All of this is possible and achievable because they have the power to influence people’s thinking and make them follow their examples. “In any case, you can always reach out to influencers like these if you want to know more about them!”
If you do not believe us, we suggest you take a look at the list of some of the best Instagram influencers based on interior designs and everything related to this. You can see the list of the best on And the next thing we have prepared for you is to introduce you to some of them and why they are extremely popular on this social network. Here are some of the best we have selected for you.
1. Alyssa Kapito

Many of you are probably familiar with this name and you have met it somewhere before. Not only is Alice extremely popular with her Instagram followers, but she is also one of the best home designers in the world. She is a designer by profession and has worked on many projects across the USA, and has contributed to the look of many homes across New York. Its main feature is that it has given many homes a modernist look that may seem overcrowded but you have enough space and space to function in your home. We can mention that she is one of the few who had the privilege to design luxurious living rooms and dining rooms on the well-known Upper East Side. Feel free to look at her profile and see for yourself her good work through the pictures she posts there.
2. Malene Barnett

Here are another one of the most popular designers you can find on the list. The secret of this girl’s success is that she puts aside perfection and somehow through some chaos creates a masterpiece that will really delight you. This can be evidenced by her posts on Instagram where you will see some really uniquely created homes. What will surprise you is that she has a gift and manages to fit African statues, patterns, and details in the overall look of the room she arranges. So if you want to incorporate African details into your home, I highly recommend you look at her profile and see how she does it. You can freely copy some of her ideas and incorporate them into your home.
3. Sara Gilbane

Sarah has been named one of the top 20 home interior designers, and it’s no wonder she’s on our list. This girl has real aesthetic power and knows how to recognize what is missing in the space that needs to be arranged. When you look at her Instagram posts you can conclude that she makes bold moves in combining materials, patterns, colors, and shapes. If an idea you have about the look of the rooms in your home seems unattainable and impossible, Sarah can prove just the opposite and give you tips on how to realize your idea.
What makes these girls one of the most popular influencers on Instagram and have a large following?
– They are unique
Each of the girls you meet on the list has a dose of uniqueness in their styles that make them recognizable when you mention their name. What has brought them to that level of influence that they do not copy other people’s ideas, but try to implement their ideas in the best possible way in the projects they work on.
– They think outside the box
Although most of them have been working professionally in interior design for years and can boast of dozens and hundreds of projects they have worked on, they still show their followers through profile posts that what their followers think can not be functional and realized as an idea, however, they can do it because they think outside the box and oppose some of the rules that exist in this sector.
– They create masterpieces
If you look at their photos on Instagram profiles, you can conclude that they have phenomenal visions that their followers like. No wonder they are on this list of some of the best influencers. Not only is the number of followers huge, but the interaction they have with them is at an enviable level. The masterpieces they create attract enough attention on this social network.
Here we come to the very end, and we want to thank you for the attention we received today. In the end, all we have to do is give you another reminder to look at the link above and see for yourself the popularity that these girls and boys enjoy. And if you are looking for inspiration for home renovation, feel free to look at some of their posts where you would surely find the idea for the design of the rooms in your home.
If you are searching for more interior design ideas, especially for your homes in Singapore, you can find out more from AC Vision (