
How Can Divorced Parents Handle Child Custody Disputes? 


Divorce is a complex process for all parties involved, but it may be especially difficult if children are involved. It is very difficult for the children as well as the parents when the divorce procedure is happening. To get the best result for you and your children, it is crucial to know how to handle complicated child custody battles.

In these situations, it will be helpful for you to understand the various forms of child custody agreements and tactics for working out a settlement with your former spouse. There are ways where both of you get to keep the child on an alternate basis, and all of this can be done with the help of a good lawyer. If you want legal assistance resolving child custody issues during your divorce, you can also get in touch with the divorce attorneys in Wisconsin.

Methods Used to Calculate Child Support


The calculation of child support is dependent upon the parental income distribution and how custody is divided. The majority of states have established formulas for determining child support. Not every case has the same amount of income and custody division. It differs a lot, and that is why a standard formula has been set to determine the amount of child support.  In most cases, parents who design their child support plan outside of the state rules must explain their decision.

What Is The Procedure for Determining Child Custody?

The kid’s best interests are the basis for determining child custody. It is the most important factor in this entire process. You and your partner can decide on a parenting schedule and the division of legal and physical custody.  The parenting schedule can include the details of when and who will keep the child for how much time. Legal custody refers to the person who makes decisions on behalf of children, such as what schools they should attend or what medical treatment is suitable.

Physical custody refers to the location where children spend their time. All of this is done to ensure that the child will get a proper education and wellness even if the parents are not living together. In case of disagreement, the court will determine the appropriate division of custody. Courts typically lean on the side of maintaining contact with both parents and take into account several issues, such as the child’s needs, the stability of each parent’s home, and who has been the primary caretaker.

Making a Parenting Plan


When parents opt for divorce, they typically aim to minimize disturbances in their children’s life.   When parents deal with child custody matters, they will need to make various decisions regarding how they will collaborate to handle parenting issues in the future and determine the specific arrangements for when the children will reside with each parent.

To establish stability and safeguard the welfare of the children, Wisconsin legislation mandates that parents going through a divorce or unmarried parents dealing with child custody matters must prepare a parenting plan.   Parents must comprehend the procedures and requirements for addressing parenting plan matters and the necessary components to be incorporated into these agreements.

Comprehending Parenting Plans

A parenting plan is a formalized agreement between two parents undergoing divorce or separation.   This article aims to offer lucidity concerning the entitlements and obligations of each parent about the upbringing of their children.  Furthermore, it will address issues related to the logistical planning of visits, communication between parents, transportation for children, and other issues concerning their welfare. To guarantee that parents can effectively collaborate to meet their children’s needs, it is wise for them to create a parenting plan.

Mediation between parents is often ordered by Wisconsin courts in cases involving child custody and divorce. This is done to resolve any remaining conflicts and form agreements for future arrangements. Ten days before the first mediation session, each parent is required to submit a suggested parenting plan to the mediator.

Unless the parent receives an exemption from mediation from the court or the parents are unable to resolve specific issues through mediation, each parent is required to submit their proposed parenting plan within 60 days after the other parent’s proposal.


What constitutes a parenting plan?

A parenting plan outlines the specific methods and procedures for addressing various matters concerning both parents and children. The document should provide a comprehensive explanation of how legal custody of children will be managed, including specifying whether joint or sole custody will be granted. If deemed essential, the jurisdiction to make determinations concerning schooling, selection of daycare providers, extracurricular activities, non-urgent medical treatment, or other matters might be either mutually shared or exclusively bestowed upon one parent.

Determining whether one parent will have primary physical custody or both parents will have equal visitation time with the children will settle the question of physical placement.   Determining whether each parent will allocate a similar amount of time with the children or if one parent will have primary physical custody will resolve the issue of physical placement.

A parenting plan can facilitate the establishment of consistent timetables for your children’s activities, specifying the allocated time for each parent’s residence or other locations. We will commemorate a multitude of significant holidays and leisure days, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, birthdays (of both children and parents), spring break, summer vacation, and numerous more. The parenting plan should make it crystal apparent why and how this arrangement benefits the children’s well-being if physical custody allocation results in less than 25% of the time spent with one parent.

The parenting plan also includes determining childcare locations, arranging transportation during parental handovers, selecting educational institutions, designating healthcare providers, deciding on religious affiliation (if relevant), establishing effective communication methods between parents and children, and considering necessary “variable costs.” Such as school fees, transportation charges, clothing expenses, extracurricular activities, and other daily expenditures. In addition, a plan should outline the strategies parents can employ to address any disagreements connected to their child that may arise in the future.

Written by Kan Dail