A dehumidifier has become an essential appliance in most homes. Its main purpose is to eliminate the moisture from the air, and provide you with a better quality air and prevent numerous problems. If the humidity in your area is high and it exceeds 50% inside your home, you can greatly benefit from this device.
As you know, moisture can cause mold and mildew, among other issues, and these can pose a serious danger to your health. In addition, if you had a burst pipe recently or your home was flooded in any way, you need to repair the damage as soon as possible, and this is when a dehumidifier comes in. It is important to know how to effectively use this device once you purchase it, and this is what we will discuss in the following article.
Where to put it?

The first thing you have to be clever about is the location of the device. If you don’t put it in the right place, the chances are that it won’t be as effective as it should. Naturally, the first tip we have for you is that you should use it in areas of your home where the humidity is the highest. Generally speaking, in most homes, this includes bathrooms, laundry rooms, and of course, basements.
One more thing. The general rule is to keep it away from doors, windows, and walls. You should always put it in the center of the room because this way it will remove as much moisture from the air as possible. In addition, don’t forget to check where the vent for releasing the air is.
When to use it?

This is an important question because many people aren’t quite certain when they should turn it on. Well, here are some simple tips that will help you determine when it will be most effective. The first telltale sign is the musty odor you smell every time you enter a room. It denotes that the area’s humidity level is very high, so you have to do something about it. Furthermore, condensation on windows is another obvious sign that moisture is starting to affect your home and that soon, mold is likely to develop.
Next, there is the question of the weather and seasons. If the humidity in your area is high, it can create uncomfortable living conditions during the summer months. It is why you should use it during this season to eliminate the moisture from your home. On the other hand, when it comes to winter, most appliances won’t be effective when the temperature drops, so you have to look for a dehumidifier that is designed specifically for those conditions.
As you can see, there are many things you have to consider before making this purchase. You have to think about weather conditions in your area, the size of your home, and every room, when and why you want to use it, etc. Our advice is to make a list of requirements, visit the estore.novita website to explore some of your options and find a device that is best for you.
Close the doors and windows

So, once you have set a dehumidifier in a certain place, there is another thing you have to do before turning it on. It is crucial to close all the doors and windows. Keep in mind that its effectiveness depends on the size of the room. The larger the room, the harder it has to work. If you turn it on and leave a window open, it basically won’t do anything since the moisture will continue to circulate. Due to this, you should seal off the room and let the device do its job.
Moreover, if you want to place it in a bathroom or a laundry room, you should think about additional sources of moisture, such as faucets, toilets, and so on. Make sure to eliminate these sources if you want to get the best results.
Clean the rooms first

It is a good idea to clean all the surfaces and vacuum the room to remove all the dust before using a dehumidifier. This is the best way to prevent it from spreading dust everywhere, and it is crucial if you suffer from allergies. Also, if this is the case, our advice is to look for a device that incorporates a dust filter.
Choose the humidity level
There really is no point in having this device if you don’t use it to determine and set a specific humidity level in your home. A general rule is that the humidity should be between 30% and 50%. Everything above that can cause some of the previously-mentioned problems.
Empty the water container

As you know, a dehumidifier eliminates the moisture from the air and turns it into water that is either drained via a hose into the sink or, on the other hand, it is collected in this container. This will depend on the model of device you have, but if it uses the water tray, you have to make sure to empty it regularly. This is a vital maintenance requirement.
When this tray is full, the indicator light will turn on, and the device will stop working. It is an obvious sign that you have to empty it before operating the appliance again. It is also a good idea to check the user’s manual to understand how often you should do this, but naturally, it will all come down to the level of humidity.
Clean the filters

Finally, you have to clean the air filter inside the device regularly. Over time, the filter will get dirty due to dust that circulates in the air. Yes, you should clean the room before using a dehumidifier, but it still won’t be enough, so make sure to inspect the filter every once in a while, clean or replace it if necessary.
If you don’t do this, obviously, the device won’t be able to work as efficiently as it is supposed to since the air won’t be able to flow freely through it. If you are not sure how often you should do this, consult the user’s manual.