
The Dangers of Signing a Medical Release for the Insurance Adjuster


Frequently, in the aftermath of an accident, chaos ensues. In the midst of this confusion, an individual might be approached by an insurance adjuster, proffering a document: a medical release form. At first glance, it seems innocuous, perhaps even beneficial. Yet, delving deeper, the fine print exposes a veritable Pandora’s box of potential issues. This article aims to elucidate the potential pitfalls of signing such a release, and the profound implications it could have on your claim.

The Medical Release Form: An Overview

The medical release form—often presented as a standard procedure—is a document that grants the insurance adjuster access to your medical records. This might seem reasonable, even necessary, as part of the claim process. However, the hazards lurking in this benign-seeming document are manifold.

The Unseen Implications

When you append your signature to a medical release form, you inadvertently grant the adjuster unfettered access to your entire medical history. This includes information that predates the accident, and might be entirely irrelevant to your claim. This information could be used to undermine your claim, arguing that your injuries were pre-existing, and not a direct result of the accident.

An Invasion of Privacy

The disclosure of your medical history is a direct invasion of your privacy. The insurance adjuster, armed with your medical records, can delve into your past and present physical condition, scrutinizing every detail. This includes any pre-existing conditions, past injuries, or even sensitive information such as mental health records. This violation of privacy can be a distressing experience, and one that could have been avoided by not signing the medical release.

The Hazards of Signing the Release Form


Aside from the invasion of privacy, there are other inherent risks associated with signing a medical release for an insurance adjuster. These dangers range from the adjuster’s potential misuse of your medical history, to the possible negative impact on your claim.

Misuse of Medical History

Once the insurance adjuster gains access to your medical records, they have the liberty to interpret the information in a way that favors the insurance company. This could involve attributing your injuries to past conditions or asserting that your injuries are not as severe as you claim. In essence, the adjuster can manipulate your medical history to decrease the value of your claim, or even reject it outright.

Undermining Your Claim

The signing of a medical release could inadvertently lead to the devaluation or denial of your claim. This is because the adjuster could argue that your injuries were not caused by the accident, but were pre-existing conditions. This could lead to a significant reduction in the compensation you receive, or even the outright denial of your claim.

Misjudging the Extent of Your Injuries

By signing the medical release early in the claim process, you could unintentionally misjudge the extent of your injuries. Often, the full impact of an accident is not immediately apparent. Injuries could manifest or worsen over time, making the initial evaluation inaccurate. If the adjuster has already accessed your medical records and made an offer based on this early assessment, it could be difficult to subsequently argue for a higher compensation.

What Should You Do Instead?


The risks associated with signing a medical release for an insurance adjuster are clear. But what should you do instead? Here are a few strategies to consider:

Resist the Pressure

Insurance adjusters often exert pressure on accident victims, urging them to sign the medical release promptly. It’s crucial to resist this pressure, and take some time to consider your options. Remember, your health and financial security could be at stake.

Consult a Professional

Before making any decisions, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. A knowledgeable professional can provide guidance on the best course of action, and help you avoid the pitfalls associated with signing a medical release. If you are wondering “should I sign a medical release for the insurance adjuster“, please do not. If you do, that is how you lose your case instantly.

Limit the Release

If you feel that releasing some medical information is necessary for your claim, consider limiting what you release. This could involve specifying a time frame for the records, or even limiting the release to specific medical providers related to your accident. This strategy can help protect your privacy, while still providing the necessary information for your claim.

Wait for the Full Extent of Injuries to Manifest

As previously mentioned, the full extent of your injuries might not be immediately apparent. Therefore, it’s advisable to wait until you have a comprehensive understanding of your injuries before considering any medical release. This way, you can ensure that all your injuries have been taken into account in your claim.

The Power of Legal Representation


One of the most effective strategies for navigating the complex process of dealing with insurance adjusters is to engage the services of a legal professional. An experienced personal injury lawyer can handle interactions with the insurance company on your behalf, reducing the risk of inadvertent mistakes that could jeopardize your claim.

Understanding the Legal Landscape

Insurance adjusters are well-versed in the intricacies of insurance law and the claim process, often using this knowledge to their advantage. Conversely, most accident victims are unfamiliar with these complex legal landscapes, which can lead to costly mistakes or oversights. A personal injury lawyer, equipped with a deep understanding of the legal system, can level the playing field and ensure that your rights are safeguarded.

Negotiating Fair Compensation

Another critical role of a personal injury lawyer is negotiating fair compensation on your behalf. The initial offer made by an insurance adjuster is typically far lower than what you are entitled to. A skilled lawyer can negotiate effectively, using evidence and legal arguments to counter the adjuster’s attempts to reduce or deny your claim.

Handling Paperwork

The claim process involves a significant amount of paperwork, including medical records, accident reports, and claim forms. The burden of handling this paperwork can be overwhelming, particularly when recovering from an accident. A personal injury lawyer can relieve this burden by handling all the paperwork, ensuring everything is filed correctly and on time.

Insurance Adjuster’s Role


It’s crucial to remember that the insurance adjuster’s primary role is to protect the interests of the insurance company, not yours. Their goal is to minimize the amount of money the company has to pay out. By understanding this, you can approach interactions with the adjuster more effectively, and avoid falling into traps that could negatively impact your claim.

Final Thoughts

The decision to sign a medical release for an insurance adjuster is a significant one, fraught with potential risks and implications. It’s crucial to understand these risks before making a decision that could have profound effects on your claim, and ultimately, your life. By exercising caution and seeking professional advice, you can make an informed decision and protect your rights. Remember, the signature might be easy to pen, but its repercussions could reverberate long after the ink has dried.

Written by Kan Dail