Relocations are always very stressful, strenuous, and time-consuming. No matter how many times you have moved into your life, you will never be fully prepared to do it again. Although experience, if you have it, will help you, you will never be able to avoid all the tedious and difficult tasks that moving brings with it. But it’s something you can’t avoid when the time comes that you need to do it and you just need to accept it that way. You have to do this to save your nerves and to do the whole job as successfully as possible.
There is one more thing we hate about moving. And that is the price. It is often a very expensive process, which further raises the already high costs we have for furnishing a new house and buying everything we need. But we have good news for you. There are many very simple and easy ways you can reduce costs. What are the smart ways to cut moving costs and expenses read below? We believe that at the end of reading this article you will be much happier because you will realize that you can save a significant amount of money.
1. Find an affordable company

The first thing you can do to save money is to find an affordable moving company. When we say affordable, we don’t mean cheap, because this is not something where you should take risks. There is probably some reason why certain companies are cheap and you better avoid them, because one of the most common reasons is that they are unreliable so they try to make up for it with low price. But find an affordable one, no need to choose the most expensive. Do the research and compare the services they offer and reviews. You should narrow down your choice to several companies that meet all your requirements and have a lot of positive reviews, then you should choose the one that is the cheapest. This will save you money and you will get great service.
2. Negotiate

Another way to save is to negotiate with them. You have nothing to lose, and very often it can happen that you get an extra discount. Most respectable companies will accept to negotiate with you about the price and conditions because they want to have as many satisfied customers as possible. Talk to them and see where they can offer you a discount so that both you and they are satisfied. Always tell them if you have found a cheaper price with their competition and ask them to reduce it as well. This is a very good tactic because the competition is great and they do not want you to choose their competitors instead of them. Also, tell them when you don’t need a particular service and ask them to reduce the price by the value of that service. They very rarely charge a fixed fee and you should take advantage of that. And we have another piece of advice. If they initially refuse to negotiate with you, don’t give up right away. Try again in a few days, it works very often. There are two reasons why it is good to try again. The first is that they may have turned you down because they thought you weren’t really interested, and this will show them that you are serious. And sometimes they just change their mind and realize that it’s better to accept the job.
3. Calculate in advance

What can best help you prepare in advance and set aside enough money is to calculate approximately how much you will have to spend? If you’ve moved before, you probably have a rough idea of what the cost will be. But the market is also changing, and so are the prices, so you need to calculate again. What makes the situation much easier these days is moving cost calculators. These are calculators where you can get a fairly accurate estimate of how much everything will cost. See what such a calculator looks like at and start preparing for move right now. Once you have an approximate price, then you can set a budget.
4. Avoid the peak of the season

Late spring, summer and early autumn is the peak of the season and then the prices are by far the most expensive. It is a time of year that you should absolutely avoid if possible. Of course, sometimes you have to move quickly and then you can’t choose the time of year. But mostly relocations are planned months in advance and that is why you should choose early spring or late autumn. Then you will save significant money because companies have much less work and therefore reduce prices and offer various discounts. In winter it is even cheaper, but a balance needs to be struck between the price and the move being “comfortable”. It will not suit you at all to carry things on snow and ice. If you live somewhere where the winters are mild, then that is also a good time of year. It is generally important to choose offseason.
5. Book in advance
6. Do it yourself

We do not recommend that you carry bulky items yourself, such as furniture, appliances, devices, and anything else that is heavy and takes up a lot of space. This should be left to professionals who have the knowledge and appropriate equipment and vehicles. But you can transfer many small things yourself and thus save money. Put dishes and other small and fragile things in the trunk and transfer them to your new house. This will save you money as professionals will not have to work for several days. And you will also be sure that all your important things will be safely transferred.
7. Throw away what you don’t need

Now is the ideal time to throw away or donate anything you haven’t used in years. As you pack, realistically think about what you really need, and donate or throw away everything else. This will reduce the weight of things and the mileage that the movers have to cover. And both significantly affect the price.
As you can see, it’s not hard to cut costs at all, only if you plan ahead and don’t leave things to chance.