Adventure is an easy genre! But the writers listed in our rating do not need any special introduction, and the books from the top are recognized as pearls of world literature. Hurry to open the page and be surprised how masterfully the authors own the syllable and with what techniques so dashingly twist the plot that it is literally impossible to tear yourself away from the pages. By the way, if you want to get an equally masterful essay for university, we advise you to contact to get qualified help.
1. “Treasure Island”
Robert Stevenson
Even those who have already read this book will find it interesting to pick it up again. Many reread it many times, and each one melted with delight and revelation. The magical names of pirates John Silver, Ben Gunn, and Billy Bones, the mesmerizingly unpredictable episodes, and the empathy for the main character make it one of the gourmet foods at a reader’s feast.
2. “The Lost World”
Conan Doyle
It turns out that the creator of the notes about the famous detective wrote quite a few works in other genres as well. Though at first we will habitually look for the familiar names of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, soon the new characters, the exciting action and the magical language of Conan Doyle will so captivate the reader that it will take him only to close the last page of the book to come to his senses.
3. “King Solomon’s Mines”

Henry Haggard
The descriptions of majestic panoramas of South African landscapes and peculiarities of manners and life of local tribes do not slow down the rapidly unfolding plot at all. Going in search of his missing brother, the heroes are included in the race for treasure. Also, as it turns out, this is the first novel in a whole series of adventures of the main character – Allan Quartermaine, so those wishing to extend familiarity with this character will have a great opportunity to do so.
4. “Hearts of Three”
Jack London
Again the treasure, again the pirates, again the exciting adventures, but it is only a plot background, a reason to deal with feelings and principles. Jack London co-wrote this work as a screenplay for a future movie, which, incidentally, in his lifetime was not delivered. This work was the 50th in the author’s literary list. It is interesting how the author, seasoned in stories from the lives of prospectors, who mined grains of gold in the northern latitudes, will describe the adventures of the characters in South America.
5. “The Two Captains”

Veniamin Kaverin.
Undoubtedly one of the best novels. The fates of several generations are presented by a brilliant writer and an excellent storyteller as the palette of life, where there is always room to find answers to urgent questions about love and betrayal, character formation and soul searching, the vicissitudes of fate and the goals of life.
6. “The Garden of Our Memory”
Mary Ellen Taylor
Libby, who has lost a child, travels to her hometown after her divorce to recover and recuperate a little. She meets Elaina, who owns an estate and a huge garden, and arranges for a job. But the women do not yet know how many mysteries from the past will have to be solved to make life peaceful and happy.
Mary Ellen Taylor’s novel will appeal to those who want a leisurely tale of family secrets, dark mysteries from the past. And to make sure it all ends well.
7. ” The Good Shepherd (Greyhound)”
Cecil Scott Forester
Experienced Captain George Krause has made many voyages, but now he is uneasy: a sea convoy of 37 ships must pass through the waters of the Atlantic under his escort. The task is also complicated by the fact that Krause must outrun German submarines, which consider it their duty to destroy the ships.
The classic novel by Cecil Scott Forester, best known for his books about Ensign Hornblower, is a must if you want to read one of the most suspenseful tales of maritime adventure, where duty and courage are not just words.
8. “The Devil and the Dark Water”

By Stuart Turton
The “Saardam” sets sail surrounded by unkind omens. It seems that the devil himself considers both ship, cargo, and passengers to be his rightful prey. But what if it has nothing to do with otherworldly forces, but with ordinary human evil? And it’s up to Lieutenant Arent to find out.
Definitely enjoy it if you like hermetic detectives, sailing ships, and stories about the past. The publication is worth including in your personal adventure book rating for fans of historical novels, the sea, and murder mysteries.
9. “Popular music from Vittula”
Mikael Niemi
It has been an unusually rainy autumn in Sweden, and now the dam that is supposed to guarantee safety is destroyed. The water is coming in on a town of people, each of whom will be battling not only the elements, but their own hardships as well.
Mikayel Niemi’s novel is a dramatic story about fighting the elements and trying to maintain humanity in the face of disaster. It’s perfect for a boring, overcast evening when you want to immerse yourself in the suspenseful plot.
10. “Who is Maude Dixon?”

Alexandra Andrews
Protagonist Florence dreams of becoming a writer, but she lacks the talent and story that will make her famous. And then a sudden layoff threatens to ruin her life. However, fate makes a gift, and here Florence has become an assistant bestselling author, living as a hermit, creating under the pseudonym Maude Dixon. But while traveling to Morocco after a car accident, Maud disappears.
Distant lands, bodies hidden in a garden, strange manuscripts, and creative crises make this novel a great choice for hot days when you’re so eager to travel and encounter sinister mysteries.
11. “Escape to the Woods”
Gary Paulsen
United States, World War II. In chaos and adult problems, a little boy tries to survive and grow up, facing all kinds of people and circumstances, until he finds a home in the woods and books.
Gary Paulsen, a classic of American children’s literature, is wonderful in his descriptions of nature and how one becomes part of it, treating it with care and respect. The book is highly recommended for adults who have read Ernest Seton-Thompson’s Little Savages, and for seasoned younger readers (keep in mind that there are some rather violent scenes).